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Questionnaire for international student members of the Consortium of Universities in Kumamoto

The Consortium of Universities in Kumamoto would like to ask you to fill in this questionnaire so that we might determine common problems among international students  in Kumamoto. Sharing the results with your university, Kumamoto Prefecture and Kumamoto City governments will help us all to improve the quality of service offered to you and future international students in Kumamoto. Your responses will be anonymous and confidential. The aggregate results of this survey will be shared with the relating organizations and might be published on the  website.
*Please select the appropriate answers that apply to you.
(This question is mandatory)
What is your gender?
(This question is mandatory)
What is your age group?
(This question is mandatory)
Which country/region are you from?
(This question is mandatory)
What is the name of your current university or college?
(This question is mandatory)
What is your current level of study?
(This question is mandatory)
What is your major field of study? 
(This question is mandatory)
How long have you been in Japan?
(This question is mandatory)
What are the reasons for studying in Japan? 
(Please select at most two answers.)
(This question is mandatory)

Before you came to Japan, how did you learn about educational institutions in Kumamoto? 
(Please select at most three answers.)

(This question is mandatory)
Why did you decide to study in Kumamoto? 
(Please select at most two answers.)
(This question is mandatory)
How livable do you feel Kumamoto is?
(This question is mandatory)
What kind of services would you like to have for international students living in Kumamoto?
(This question is mandatory)
Did you study Japanese before you entered your university?
(This question is mandatory)

For those who answered "Yes" for Q. 13

Where did you study Japanese before you entered your university?

(This question is mandatory)

For those who went to Japanese language school for Q. 14

Which city was your Japanese language school?

(This question is mandatory)

For those who answered Q. 15.

Why did you choose that language school?
(Please select at most two answers.)

(This question is mandatory)
What is your Japanese language level? 
(This question is mandatory)
Have you ever used the One-Stop Consultation Service for International Students provided by the Consortium at the locations of the main office and/or the Kumamoto City International Center?
(This question is mandatory)
●For those who answered 'Yes' for Q. 18
To what extent were you satisfied with the consultation?
(This question is mandatory)
●For those who answered 'Yes' for Q. 18
What kind of issue did you discuss?
(This question is mandatory)
●For those who answered 'No' or 'I'm not sure' for Q. 18
Are there any reasons for this?
(This question is mandatory)
What kind of difficulties did you have regarding administrative procedures at local governments in Japan?
(Please select at most three answers.)
(This question is mandatory)
Which social networking services do you use most often in Japan?
(All that apply)
(This question is mandatory)
Do you visit the website of the Consortium or follow us on social media?
1) the website,
2) on the Facebook page "Consortium Kumamoto"
3) on Instagram at @kumamoto_conso
(This question is mandatory)
●For those who answered 'Yes' for Q. 24
What kind of content are you interested in?
(This question is mandatory)
●For those who answered 'Yes' for Q. 24
To what extent were you satisfied with the information sent out on SNS?
(This question is mandatory)
●For those who answered 'No' or 'I don't know' for Q. 24?
Do you have any reasons for not using them?
(This question is mandatory)
Do you work part-time? 
(This question is mandatory)
For those who answered "Yes" for Q. 28
If you work part-time, what the reason is for?  
(Please select at most two answers.)
(This question is mandatory)
How do you mainly cover your living expenses? 
(This question is mandatory)
Please answer the following questions that apply to your scholarship. (Please select at most two answers.)
(This question is mandatory)
What do you expect your profession to be after graduating?
(This question is mandatory)
Do you want to get a job in Japan in the future?
(This question is mandatory)

For those who answered 'No' for Q. 33

Please select the answer to appropriate for you. 

(This question is mandatory)

For those who answered 'Yes' for  Q.33

Why do you want to work in Japan? 
(Please select at most two answers.)

(This question is mandatory)

For those who answered 'Yes' for  Q.33

What are your future plans after finding a job in Japan?

(This question is mandatory)
What kind of seminars/workshops you would like to have or think would be useful for job-hunting in Japan?  
(Please select at most three answers.)
(This question is mandatory)
Do you want to find a job in Kumamoto? 
(This question is mandatory)

For those who answered 'No' for Q. 38

Please select the answer to appropriate for you. 

Please write down any concerns in your daily life or study at your institution,that you may have.